Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What's new with you!?!

I was doing so well at this blogging thing... and then it stopped!
I'm trying to lose a bad habit, procrastination. I put things off like a pro, but with a store to run, a website to maintain, and contracts to work on... I don't have time to procrastinate. My new moto is "I don't have time to waste!" (nor do I have patience)

Something new on my plate is that I've teamed up with a website called WatchMojo which is a Web TV site, I will be hosting segments on scrapbooking (of course!) and other hobbies, I'm very excited to be working with them!

It's getting late and I must be off! Leave me a note so I know who is stopping by!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

This is SO me!

I saw that Victoria had made one... here's ME

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

7 Random Facts

I kinda dragged myself into this one... Thanks to Jan ;)
My original argument was that I'm not that interesting... here it goes...

1) My first word was "ditto" (which yes I know isn't really a word) My parents say that no matter what they'd ask me, I'd always answer ditto...

2) I have a younger sister who's 4 years younger then me. I have brown hair, brown eyes - she has red curly hair, blue eyes. People used to always ask us questions that I found rude such as "Is one of you adopted" or "Do you have the same parents?" So for a long time I told people she was a test tube baby, they stopped asking questions

3) From the time I was about 5 - 9 I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then I wanted to be a teacher, then a lawyer, then an archeologist, then an interior designer... I own a scrapbook store

4) I was always convinced that I couldn't do art, because I couldn't draw.

5) When I was a kid, other kids used to tease me about being so small, so even in the heat of the summer I refused to wear short sleeved shirts to school

6) I don't have any birth marks

7) I don't have a best friend. I have a few great friends who've been around for quite some time, but it's not fair to say one of them is my best, they are all wonderful.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sunday's Sketch... On Monday

I'm a day late for the second week running. Remember upload your page into the gallery at Scrapbook Star and then link into this thread to have your name entered into a draw for a gift from me! Deadline is midnight on Sunday (the 20th)
Here's the sketch:

Here's a bad photo of my page:

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Ever since I could remember, I wanted to be a teacher. I had really awesome elementary teachers in grade 3 and grade 4, and that was it, I was inspired. As I grew older and saw how some of my fellow classmates treated our high school teachers, I think I lost the love for it.

I'm so lucky, that now that I have a store I can teach. I can teach subjects I chose and group sizes that I chose. Don't get me wrong it hasn't been smooth sailing. Every group you teach has a different dynamic. Every student moves at their own pace. You can't just assume that if students don't have questions, that they understand the instructions.

Sometimes I get students who seem tired, frustrated and confused before they even sit down. What do you do then? What do you do when a student has given up before starting? What do you do when neither the student, nor the teacher enjoy the class?

I'm definitely not an experienced teacher, having taught for a little over a year, but I think I've learned some important lessons along the way, and I can only hope my students would say the same...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Book Binding!

I finally got to take a class with Elizabeth, who has taught two classes at Scrapbook Star. It was a lot of fun, and interesting for me to be the student again - here's what we made:

This first book has a simple binding - but can you tell what the paper is made with?!? MONEY! How cool is that?

Here's a book I made for my MIL for mother's day, I hope she likes it, it's shiny so it didn't photograph well... but you get the point.

The third one is pink of course... very close to the color of my walls, and with a more difficult style binding... Had to think long and hard about this one... and the second one actually... I goofed once or twice!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sam's Sunday Sketches

Yes - I'm well aware it's Monday - but I've been off the sketch boat for a while and figured it was time to get back on! Maybe today isn't the best day to use the term boat though - but that's another story...

Here is the sketch for you to work with - upload your page into the Scrapbook Star Gallery - by Sunday the 13th at Midnight (Please post it in this thread) to have your name entered into a drawing for a little RAK from me (I'm thinking I like Doodlebug a lot lately ;) )

Here's the page I created with the sketch, I know it's not stellar, but I'm still rusty, and I'm breaking in my new office, so give me some time ;)

Thanks for looking, leave comments, I love knowing I'm not talking to myself! ;)

Sunday, May 06, 2007


For those of you not up on your scrapbook jazz, MMM stands for Memory Makers Masters - a big annual contest that Memory Makers magazine holds. I've never entered, but I figure now that I have a new scrap space, I don't think I have an excuse not to.

You have to enter 5 pages - 4 of them copies of unshared pages, and one actual page and this year's theme is: "I wish"

What do I wish for?!?
What do you wish for?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Painting is done....

So the painting here is done... but the office assembly might take a while soon to see where everything will fit. At the moment the ferret is taking up some prime storage real estate, but what can you do? Everyone has wanted to see what it looks like, but it's not done yet, so here's a picture of the corner, to give you an idea of the color!
Here's a picture of my cutie Cara too, just cause she's so darned cute and what not...
Hopefully by mid-May my home office space will be complete and I can start creating again!!! I'll post new stuff then... I hope! I've been hoarding all these awesome photos!