Tuesday, May 15, 2007

7 Random Facts

I kinda dragged myself into this one... Thanks to Jan ;)
My original argument was that I'm not that interesting... here it goes...

1) My first word was "ditto" (which yes I know isn't really a word) My parents say that no matter what they'd ask me, I'd always answer ditto...

2) I have a younger sister who's 4 years younger then me. I have brown hair, brown eyes - she has red curly hair, blue eyes. People used to always ask us questions that I found rude such as "Is one of you adopted" or "Do you have the same parents?" So for a long time I told people she was a test tube baby, they stopped asking questions

3) From the time I was about 5 - 9 I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then I wanted to be a teacher, then a lawyer, then an archeologist, then an interior designer... I own a scrapbook store

4) I was always convinced that I couldn't do art, because I couldn't draw.

5) When I was a kid, other kids used to tease me about being so small, so even in the heat of the summer I refused to wear short sleeved shirts to school

6) I don't have any birth marks

7) I don't have a best friend. I have a few great friends who've been around for quite some time, but it's not fair to say one of them is my best, they are all wonderful.


At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I think your random facts are really very interesting indeed. And as far as No. 4 goes, well, all I can say is, "ditto"!

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

love your random facts ;) and lol at the 'ditto' that use to be one of my favorite words when I was younger


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