Sunday, April 30, 2006

Scrapped.... 5 pages today :)

I actually did some scrapping today. After the store closed, I locked myself in and worked... made a heck of a mess though ;)
Here's a link to my gallery at Scrapbook Star
Only 4 pages are up there so far... but have a look, I had fun :)


At last... my own, brand new camera... I know it's not the fanciest thing out there.... but so far I am in LOVE... I LOVE the zoom... love that it takes video clips... love how it feels in my hands :) Now I just need to bring Pixie (that's what I call my canon pixma 4000) to the store so I can shoot and print all day long ;)

Friday, April 28, 2006

May's Contest Sponsor....

I'm VERY please to announce that Three Bugs in a Rug will be sponsoring our May contest at Scrapbook Star
Stay tuned for the topic.... ;)

The Restless Artist....

The sun is setting... sorta.... well it's shinning in my eyes on it's way down anyways...
So I'm reading some blogs, get to The Effers... This week's dare "I Never..."
I'm inspired, so I jot down some ideas... but now I want to work on a page... but I have a wedding album to finish and customers in the store...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sunny Thursday

Sunny... but COLD... it's supposed to go down to 0 tonight... that's right... freezing....
I need to get a new camera... and bring my photo printer to the store, so I can sit here taking and printing photos an then I could use this new Urban Lily paper I received.... I feel the need to use it on EVERYTHING!!! (oh and maybe submit for the DT contest... ha ha ha ya right!) ;)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Virtual Tidying Up!

At the store today, I avoided most the work I had to do and update the gallery and message boards. I posted over 25 magazine calls and contests in the Get Published! forum... also went through and re-organized the gallery....

Typed up the info for May's contest, fun topic and a 10$ gift certificate to be won! I'm thinking about posting it at but then I'd get emails of pages, and I want the user to upload them... so we'll see about that.

It feels like a lazy day today... or maybe I'm just feeling lazy.... It was hard to get out of bed this morning, especially when Brendan has the day off, I just want to stay home with him!

Well enough procrastinating, off for now!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I *heart* BG

Ok, well it's no secret that Basic Grey is one of my all time fav. companies. Check out this page of my little Oscar using the Oh Baby! Boy line and their Flourishes rub-ons!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Thanks Mel!

I've been tagged ... picture me rolling my eyes ;)

5 things:
in my fridge
1. strawberries
2. bottles upon bottles of water (b's)
3. Cans upon cans of coke (mine)
4. Yogurt
5. ketchup

in my closet
1. my new bring pink shirt
2. new sandals!
3. all of last years stuff
4. boxes of comic books (I share a closet)
5. B's perfectly placed clothing

in my purse
1. cell phone
2. wallet
3. lip gloss
4. crumpled up receipts
5. keys

in my car
1.that's easy, I dont have a car

on my TiVo (assuming i had TiVo)
1. CSI - Las Vegas (who watches those other ones anyways!!)
2. American Idol - both nights
3. Dr Phil
4. House
5. Family Guy

People I tag.... Zahra, May... Dan...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Friday, Friday

Happy Easter to those who celebrate... I personally don't, but love the more commercial version of it, with bunnies and chicks.
For those of you who don't know, tomorrow we're having an egg hunt at the store... eggs will be hidden, with discounts inside.... should be fun. I wish I could find my bunny ears!!!!

I've been thinking a lot lately about getting some guest DT members, there are so many talented ladies out there, who deserve a chance in the spotlight.

So if you're interested or know anyone who is, visit Scrapbook Star and send me an email andwe'll see what we can do :)

The sun is shinning and there's albums to organize, so I'll be on my way..... Hope everyone has a super long weekend!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Happy Easter

Ok, well it's not really Easter yet, but I bought these cute eggs for the store's egg hunt and had to use them in a photo shoot... with everyone's favorite Hammy... Cara!!!!

Today is fun...

Ok so my new racks arrived :) Two were damaged though so those'll have to go back... They were on a truck with stuff for Canadian tire and on my pallet was a bulb for a daffodil... or at least what I think is a daffodil... I love flowers... especially free ones! ;) So I'm going to plant it and see what happens...

Also my BasicGrey order is finally arriving today.... any time now....

And they finally moved that planter that was blocking my store front! Love it, all gone :)

My mom comes back into town tonight too, she hasn't seen the store since it opened, so I'm sure she'll be suprised by how much it's grown since then (like a baby!)

Monday, April 10, 2006

I think i'm getting the hang of this...

Blogging that is ;) Here's some pics I took today:
My eye.... nothing too interesting, but an ok shot with a crappy camera ;) Also an earring I made, pretty huh?
And without further a do... my new bike!!! It's not pink, but that can be fixed ;)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Today... I scrapped

The colors on this seem off, i'm sure... i'm not used to the scanner at the store... but you get the point ;)

I took 30 minutes out of my day, or morning rather and made a cute little 8x8 of my beloved hammy, Cara.
Soon Cara will have a buddy, my sister's ferret, which I'll be taking care of for a little bit... something else for me to spoil and take zillions of pics of!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Someone was listening!

So on Wednesday I declared my hatred for boxes.... and since... no deliveries... I know next week I'm expecting at least 3 but probably more.... Which is ok... that's what I do, I get boxes, I open them, I adore everything in them and then I make room ;)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Not loving boxes....

Ok, so I know last week I was digging getting all these boxes... now i'm sort of regretting that announcement... it seems this week, an attack... by the delivery guys, all bringing me boxes full of stuff.... the store is getting SO full.... more racks will be arriving soon, thank goodness, and we put up more pegboard too... I'll take a pic soon, maybe with a new camera if I ever find one i like....