Monday, April 17, 2006

Thanks Mel!

I've been tagged ... picture me rolling my eyes ;)

5 things:
in my fridge
1. strawberries
2. bottles upon bottles of water (b's)
3. Cans upon cans of coke (mine)
4. Yogurt
5. ketchup

in my closet
1. my new bring pink shirt
2. new sandals!
3. all of last years stuff
4. boxes of comic books (I share a closet)
5. B's perfectly placed clothing

in my purse
1. cell phone
2. wallet
3. lip gloss
4. crumpled up receipts
5. keys

in my car
1.that's easy, I dont have a car

on my TiVo (assuming i had TiVo)
1. CSI - Las Vegas (who watches those other ones anyways!!)
2. American Idol - both nights
3. Dr Phil
4. House
5. Family Guy

People I tag.... Zahra, May... Dan...


At 7:58 PM, Blogger MaraMay said...

Man I knew I shouldn't ahve looked at your blog! LOL J/P Now I am off to post my answers. Picture me stomping off mubling* ;-)

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

OOHHH I love House. I think it's the best show out there! (If you're not counting AI, and maybe even if you are ;) )


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