Saturday, April 22, 2006

Virtual Tidying Up!

At the store today, I avoided most the work I had to do and update the gallery and message boards. I posted over 25 magazine calls and contests in the Get Published! forum... also went through and re-organized the gallery....

Typed up the info for May's contest, fun topic and a 10$ gift certificate to be won! I'm thinking about posting it at but then I'd get emails of pages, and I want the user to upload them... so we'll see about that.

It feels like a lazy day today... or maybe I'm just feeling lazy.... It was hard to get out of bed this morning, especially when Brendan has the day off, I just want to stay home with him!

Well enough procrastinating, off for now!


At 4:57 PM, Blogger zahra said...

Wow, you HAVE been busy! Hubby went to his sister's house to show off the new laptop, LOL! So I'm doing some virtual cleanup of my own - I have tons of digi files to organize and burn onto cd.
And I have been neglecting the boards, I really need to get back into it!


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