Friday, September 23, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Another weekend... come and gone.
I can't believe how long this past week was. Now the weekend is almost over and Brendan is leaving for Boston on Tuesday :(
I have some homework to do, not enough that I feel the urgent need to begin at this very moment, especially since I'll have the house to myself during the week, nice and quiet, no distractions...
I'm off to get some birthday dessert for tonight, maybe a Starbucks too ;)
Hope you savoured your weekend, because the next one is over 5 long days away!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Third time's a charm...
So thursday I rushed my way through some homework... due Friday... I didn't understand it at all. So Friday comes and I decide (after seeing my classmates' masterpieces) that I can't hand in my piece of crap. So I take an extra day (at my expense.... -0.5 points) and do it again... hand it in today... my teacher tells me he wants me to do it again!!!! I now know all the measurements to this assignment off by heart.... *sigh*
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Today's Rant...
Well I slept in way too late again today. Then took forever to get out of the house, then didn't find what I was looking for at Reno Depot... My office is a mess and I'm far behind in my homework. Was looking forward to going out for supper tonight, but looks like that's not going to happen.
Ah well... I'm not even in the mood to work, or clean, I just want to get back into bed!
In other more colorful news I got the new BasicGrey papers today and would love to just rip open a pack of Fusion and glue it to the white walls here... I'm sure that wouldn't go over well ;)
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Hamster in the dog house... again
Well... as some of you may know, cause I posted it on my website Cara, the wonder hamster escaped from her cage. I couldn't sleep last night so at 3am I went to check on her and she was gone... in any case after 20 minutes of searching we found her behind the fridge and she's safe back in her cage. I think she's learned her lesson though, she's been pretty tame tonight, hasn't asked to come out to play... she's pouting ;)
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Self portrait challenge

Ok, well Barbie posted a challenge on Two Peas to take a self portrait today, so I finally did, it's not so great, weird shadows, but it's the best I got ;)
Of course it's in black and white so you see less of my imperfections :)
Your turn!
Been blogging up a storm
Well I've been pretty busy blogging lately. Maybe because I've been pretty busy avoiding everything else. School, homework, work, the hurricane coverage, the fact that summer is trying to escape...
The picture above, the sandcastle was taken on our trip to Florida in July, and I said to Brendan last night "I wish I was still making sandcastles" I'm just not ready for summer to be over. I love the heat of the sun, and wearing skirts and sandals, getting tanned and eating outdoors.
All good things must come to an end though... so maybe it's time to let summer go...
PS- Don't know if I mentioned this but 10% of all sales at www.starmsosaics.com for September will go to the American Redcross, so shop in Canadian dollars, save a bundle at our sale, get great supplies and help a cause!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Another Call...
My mom received a call from my aunt about an hour ago.
Her house IS still there, one of the only ones in Bay St Louis. Not even a picture fell from the wall, and her house along with six others suffered no flooding. She said they have food and water, but as soon as they can, they're moving.
They said the images we're seeing on TV aren't doing it justice (they have a generator set up) and they realize how lucky they are.
I wish every story had a happy ending like this one, but it doesn't, so keep donating, praying and opening your hearts and homes!
Today ended up being a very good day...
Queen of Procrastination
All bow down before the Queen ;)
Sitting here with my books opening, reading a sentence every hour or so ;)
Also have DT kits to pack up, but since it's a long weekend they wont move until Tuesday anyways, so what's the point?! I'll do it Monday, lol.....
Hope your weekend is relaxing and lazy... take a hot bath, read a magazine or go get a hot fudge sundae... (the last one is my choice!!!)
Friday, September 02, 2005
Can't watch the news....
I can't stand it anymore. I don't mean to turn a blind eye to it, but I just can't do it anymore.
The government isn't working fast enough. Anderson Cooper from CNN told the Senator of Louisianna that people are frustrated, and the last thing they want to hear is politicians thanking each other and congratulating each other on a job well done.
Nothing has been done... People are still without food, water and shelter and adults, children and animals are dying. The government needs to move, and move fast, I almost feel as though nothing has been done.
We haven't heard from my family since Tuesday... they were alive. What if they can't get to a shelter? There aren't enough shelters, there isn't enough water. All they have is the clothes on their backs.
Please open your hearts. If you have a spare room in your home and live in the southern states, please consider opening your home. No gesture is too small, especially when people have so little
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Yeehaw ;) I've put tons of stuff on sale, for "Back to School" I mean you have to do something while the kids are off learning all day, so stock up on supplies :)
Aside from that, I think my little hamster Cara is sick :( There was blood in her bedding last night, so I'm waiting for the vet to open to call like a crazy person and get an appointment!