Wednesday, June 06, 2007

One down...

On Monday the crew from WatchMojo came to the store to shoot our first clip, on very basic scrapbooking. I talked a lot about different trimmers, adhesives and all that jazz. I'm curious to see what the finished product will look like, it should be up in about a week. We have two more segments scheduled and then she said "We'll see how it goes" which I interpreted as "If you're horrible on camera, three segments is enough"

I think I did well, I don't really get freaked out by cameras in general... It takes a lot to make me REALLY nervous. I will share it with everyone when I'm done. I also hope to have the rest of my scrapbook room pieced together in the next few weeks, I'm just waiting on a Clip-it-up... the one I had saved for myself is currently being used in the store for liquidation purposes... so once I have that in place, I'll be ready to take photos!

Other awesome news - my cat Cosgrove is coming home! My chubby baby (who is now 8) will certainly keep life interesting (and maybe even stressful) for Brendan and I who has never lived with an animal that wasn't caged (like my hammy) She should be coming home on Father's day... I'll take LOADS of photos!!!!


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