Can't hide my feelings tonight...
After tomorrow, my family will no longer own the house I lived in, from the time I was 11 until the time I moved out. It's the longest we've ever lived in one place, and this house, was supposed to be the house my parents were going to grow old in.
One of the last memories I have of my grandmother, is her sitting on the sofa next to me on Christmas morning, in that house, the one where our last real Christmas was celebrated years ago, before people started growing up, and moving on... I guess my fear of losing the house is losing the good memories I had there, the precious ones I've been able to cling on to, with time.
Life is what it is. When it gives you lemons, you make lemonade... It's been a year of ups and lemonade for me, but I can't dwell, I have to be happy for what I do have:
A succesful business
Amazing friends
Ambition, inspiration, motivation
my health, and the health of those I love
It's been a year of reconnecting with people I had lost touch with
and creating stronger bonds with those who are important to me
Aw Sam, you won't loose those memories..they're in your heart, and on your scrapbook pages!
thats tough-i know because i have been through a similiar experience. just know in your heart you will always have those memories, no matter where you are. ((hugs))
You'll still have your memories, and if all else fails, scrap them!!!
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