MY Grammy review...
Ok so I don't know if you are watching the Grammy's right now, but I think this year's show is pretty interesting... or odd... not sure which one wins. Here are some observations I've made:
The Police: Who CARES? I don't know if anyone missed them when they were gone, but here they are, opening the show. I would think they would have opened with something BIG like JT... but what do I know?

In the car Brendan and I were talking. I said I started to appreciated John Mayer... he said that he didn't really like him, and compared him to James Blunt... I can't stand James Blunt, I don't think he can sing and his song "Beautiful" is like NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD for me... So for the record, the guy on the left is TALENTED the guy on the right has as much talent as any drunken guy with a fake accent performing in your local pub.
Next up I'd like to say HA! to my Dad who said the Dixie Chicks wouldn't win anything... they're up to 2 awards (including record of the year) as I'm typing this. The lead singer Natalie Maines dyed her hair brown... not really digging it, but whatever, she's golden in my eyes... and she's married to Nathan Petrelli from Heroes. I wish I was married to a man that could fly.
Yes, some of use care about the Police, I've always loved them, wish I hadn't missed it!
Yeah....I like the Police too! :)
Good sum up of the Grammy's though! Yea for the Dixie Chicks :)
I love the CHicks!! saw them in concert on their last round, they rock!!
Hi Sam, speaking as one who is going to see the Police in concert no matter what I have to do to make it happen ;) I just wanna say no way is JT bigger than their reunion :) Heidi
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