Sunday, October 02, 2005

My neglected blog

Well it's been a while since i've blogged.

The past week was AWFUL.

In short:
Monday: a teacher told me my work was bad, and looked like I spent very little time or effort on it (which we all know is not true)
Tuesday: Something bad happened but now I don't remember what so maybe it wasn't all that bad... OH YEAH I was cutting a chatterbox nail in my hand (don't ask why) and instead cut into the palm of my hand with the scissors, in the class where the teacher told me I didn't spend enough time on my work.
Wednesday: Thought I missed a job oportunity
Thursday: Went to the job interview... we had crazy weather, my umbrella turned inside out, got there all wet... walked all over the city and then was super late for work... wet... cold and crabby and I didn't have a lunch
Friday: I slept in, Brendan didn't think of waking me up, so I was an hour late to another class with the man who says I don't spend enough time or effort on my work... looked real good...

In any case I did get a second job, couldn't pass it up since it was in the field, being a paint consultant at a high end paint store (paint is about 65$ a gallon!) So I start that this Saturday

So this was my last 2 day weekend... I tried to enjoy it, and get homework done but things never go as planned.

I was very happy with the website this weekend, we had 5 new members, love chatting with new people :) We're also down to 176 on the top 50 which is awesome :)

All the DT kits for the next 2 months are here ready to ship in the morning... hopefully this week will be calmer!


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